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What Should Be Included in an Aged Care Cleaning Service?

The elderly are more prone to infections due to aspects like lingering conditions and declining immune systems. This is why aged care facilities need high values of hygiene and cleanliness. The cleaning staff should have regular training to meet cleanliness regulations. All aged care facilities in Australia are subject to audits by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Committee.

Cleaning processes should be documented to provide guides that reinforce the best cleaning practices. Regular audits should be done to see if there are any gaps and if cleaning schedules are followed. There should be a sanitation program with a detailed organisational chart of the staff and cleaning services to provide a clear responsibility for each part of the cleaning schedule.

Cleaning activities should be documented as well. These records will be able to state that necessary cleaning activities have been done up to standards. This should include the person who performed the work. If there is non-compliance, a manager can escalate this to handle the situation appropriately.

Thorough cleaning of surfaces is essential in aged care facilities. Surfaces can become a breeding ground for pathogens, especially in high-touch areas. Microfibre cloths are effective in reducing airborne particles in indoor environments. Vacuums should only be used in rooms with proper ventilation. Surfaces should be wiped with detergent and warm water, then rinsed to prevent the elderlies’ exposure to chemicals.

High-touch surfaces like doorknobs, beds, dressers, and windows should be given special attention. Areas often exposed to moisture are prone to breeding grounds for bacteria. Bathrooms should be cleaned at least once a day.

Staff should sanitise toilets, sinks, washbasins, showers, and tubs. All fittings should be scrubbed daily. They should start cleaning with the cleanest areas first to avoid spreading dirt around the facility.

Dust mopping should be done before wet mopping. This reduces the risk of the mop water being contaminated before the cleaner is done disinfecting the room. A microfibre mop head is best since it traps particles and is easier to clean. Launder microfibre cloths after each use, or use disposable microfibre products instead.

Bodily fluids like blood and vomit greatly increase infection risk. Spills like these should be disinfected as soon as possible to prevent the spread of disease. There are absorbent mop heads that turn liquid into gel to prevent leaks.

Linens should be changed weekly or when soiled. They should be stored until ready to be laundered. They should never be washed in the facility. Cleaning equipment must be disinfected daily. Mop buckets should be cleaned after each use.

Staff should wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) when working with hazardous materials. Gloves, face masks, and eye protection is a must to prevent infection spread. They should wash their hands frequently, especially before and after exposure to residents.

There are three types of waste in an aged care facility:

  1. General wastes can be stored securely until collected from the facility.
  2. Clinical waste is placed in biohazard bags and disposed of in specially marked bins. Single-use sharps are placed in sharp containers and removed according to Australian standard AS 4031-1992.
  3. Unused and excess pharmaceutical wastes are returned to a pharmacy for proper disposal.

Here are some best practices to avoid cross-contamination:

  1. Conduct training staff frequently
  2. Use the latest disinfecting methods and products
  3. Have a feasible program and calendar of tasks
  4. Use vacuum cleaners with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter
  5. Have a well-enforced colour coding system
  6. Use automatic floor scrubbers and a microfibre system on hard floors
  7. Have a robust system for changing wet items regularly
  8. Have correct washing actions
  9. Conduct regular internal audits of all measures

Hiring an aged care cleaning service will remove all the cleaning burden from your staff. Once they arrive at your facility, they will organise their cleaning trolley by preparing the equipment they need to perform. Equipment should be in good condition, clean, and compliant with safety regulations.

Rooms should be ventilated once the residents step out. Wastes should be disposed of first. The contact time of the disinfectant must be followed to ensure that it will work as stated. Cleaners will use a combination of detergent and disinfectant to wipe high surfaces. Spraying on the wipe will limit aerosol dispersion to moisture-sensitive materials like telephones. The cleaners will change the wipes between each area and room.

High-touch areas should be wiped often to prevent the spread of germs. Pre-treated gauze is sometimes used for wet sweeping in aged care. The gauze is placed under the broom’s sole. Wet sweeping is done in a semi-circular way, starting from the farthest point away from the door. The aged care cleaner will never lift the broom. The used gauze will then be removed, folded, and thrown away in the rubbish bin.

In aged-care facilities, rooms tend to be quite close. Common areas are where residents spend most of their time. These are high-risk areas of contamination. Elderlies are often forgetful and frail and might not be able to follow guidelines like frequent handwashing and social distancing. Aged care cleaning services should regularly clean bathrooms, TV remotes, games, knitting needles, light switches, doorknobs, windows, chairs, tables, walking aids, and wheelchairs.

The cleaners should have a higher level of attention and care because of the residents’ increased possibility of trips and falls. Day cleaning in an aged care facility has a lot of elements – residents, staff, visitors, or any objects and equipment used in that environment.

Aged care facilities have high cleaning standards and no room for error. In total, 12 of the 44 outcomes detailed in the Quality-of-Care Principles 2014 could be unraveled if a facility’s cleaning isn’t being effectively shown, coordinated, and clarified to the auditor.

With all these challenges, you must have assurance in your cleaning team to provide a reliable and high-quality standard of cleaning and disinfection every time, with as little disturbance to your residents as possible.

We are Storm International; we ensure to only provide you with well-trained cleaners who are empathetic, respectful, and considerate of an aged care facility’s specific needs and setting. Contact us here.

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